Calling Ethereum contract

It is possible to perform a cross-chain call and access a contract that is deployed on Ethereum from within an Orbs contract.

The API for this is included in the ethereum library:

import (

The library exposes several different functions described on this page.


This function is used to get the latest 'safe' block number in Ethereum. The 'safe' block means a block which is in the past, around 25 minutes, to avoid forks.



This function is used to get the block number which was mined just after the timestamp, as long as it is also 'safe'. Safe is defined internally by the SDK as a block which is in the past, around 25 minutes, to avoid forks.

        ethBlockTimestamp uint64)

The argument GetBlockNumberByTime takes is:

  • ethBlockTimestamp - The Ethereum timestamp in Unix epoch nanoseconds to search for corresponding block.


This function is used to get the block timestamp (Unix epoch in nanoseconds) of the latest 'safe' block number in Ethereum. The 'safe' block means a block which is in the past, around 25 minutes, to avoid forks.



This function is used to get the block timestamp (Unix epoch in nanoseconds) of the requested block number, as long as it is also 'safe'. Safe is defined internally by the SDK as a block which is in the past, around 25 minutes, to avoid forks.

        ethBlockNumber uint64)

The argument GetBlockTimeByNumber takes is:

  • ethBlockNumber - The Ethereum block number to get the block's timestamp.


This function is used to perform a method call on ethereum, the action performed in this function is call in ethereum - we do not perform transactions from within our blockchain, mainly due to response time and finality considerations.

        ethContractAddress string, 
        jsonAbi string, 
        methodName string, 
        out interface{}, 
        args ...interface{})

The arguments CallMethod takes are:

  • contractAddress - The Ethereum contract address with a 0x prefix

  • jsonAbi - The ABI of the call, as a JSON string

  • methodName - The method to call in the contract

  • out - The result of the contract call - this needs to be a pointer to the expected return value/struct, the struct members need to be defined as PascalCase style, see examples below

  • args - The variadic parameter list for the method you are calling on Ethereum

For example, using the following contract on Ethereum:

pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
contract SimpleStorage {
    struct Item {
        uint256 intValue;
        string stringValue;
    Item item;

    constructor(uint256 _intValue, string _stringValue) public {
        set(_intValue, _stringValue);

    function set(uint256 _intValue, string _stringValue) private {
        item.intValue = _intValue;
        item.stringValue = _stringValue;

    function getInt() view public returns (uint256) {
        return item.intValue;

    function getIntMultiple(uint256 _multiple) view public returns (uint256) {
        return _multiple * item.intValue;

    function getString() view public returns (string) {
        return item.stringValue;

    function getValues() public view returns (uint256 intValue, string stringValue) {
        intValue = item.intValue;
        stringValue = item.stringValue;

If we want to call getValues we use the following code in our Orbs contract:

package main

import (

var PUBLIC = sdk.Export(readString, readStringFromValues)
var SYSTEM = sdk.Export(_init)

func _init() {

func readStringFromValues(address, abi string) string {
	// getValues return a uint256 and a string, note the PascalCase
	out := new(struct { // creates a pointer to a struct of the expected return value
		IntValue    *big.Int
		StringValue string
	ethereum.CallMethod(address, abi, "getValues", out)
	return ret.StringValue

func readString(address, abi string) string {
	var out string
	ethereum.CallMethod(address, abi, "getString", &out)
	return out


This function is the same as the CallMethod function, and it only allows to define which block you want to use.

        ethBlockNumber uint64,
        ethContractAddress string, 
        jsonAbi string, 
        methodName string, 
        out interface{}, 
        args ...interface{})


This function can enable you to access the Transaction Receipt of a specific transaction on Ethereum to access and filter its logs according to a specific event name.

                ethContractAddress string, 
                jsonAbi string, 
                ethTxHash string, 
                eventName string, 
                out interface{}) (ethBlockNumber uint64, ethTxIndex uint32)

The arguments GetTransactionLog takes are:

  • ethContractAddress - The Ethereum contract address with a 0x prefix

  • jsonAbi - The ABI of the contract with the event, as a JSON string

  • ethTxHash - The Ethereum transaction address with a 0x prefix

  • eventName - The event to filter by

  • out - The event data, this needs to be a pointer to the expected return value/struct, the struct members need to be defined as PascalCase style. See an example below.

The function returns:

  • ethBlockNumber - The block number of the log requested

  • ethTxIndex - The transaction index in the block

An example of using the GetTransactionLog() for the following event ABI:

      "constant": false,
      "inputs": [
          "name": "tuid",
          "type": "uint256"
          "name": "ethAddress",
          "type": "address"
          "name": "orbsAddress",
          "type": "bytes20"
          "name": "value",
          "type": "uint256"
      "name": "transferOut",
      "outputs": [],
      "payable": false,
      "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
      "type": "function"

The Orbs contract code should look like:

package main

import (

var PUBLIC = sdk.Export(filterLogs)
var SYSTEM = sdk.Export(_init)

func _init() {

type EmitEvent struct {
	Tuid        *big.Int
	EthAddress  [20]byte
	OrbsAddress [20]byte
	Value       *big.Int

func filterLogs(address, abi, txHash string) {
	event := new(EmitEvent)
	ethereum.GetTransactionLog(address, abi, txHash, "transferOut", event)
	// do something with the event data

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