Gamma server under the hood

This page is for informational purposes only for advanced users. These technical details are abstracted away from developers by Gamma CLI.

Gamma server runs under the hood on Docker. Docker is a platform that performs operating-system-level virtualization, also known as "containerization".

Docker image for Gamma

You can print docker images that are available on your machine using the docker CLI

docker images

If you've installed Gamma CLI successfully, you should see among the results something similar to

REPOSITORY          TAG                      IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
orbsnetwork/gamma   v0.8.0                   61057f923f89        2 weeks ago         426MB

Gamma CLI downloads this image automatically from Docker Hub with docker pull

Running the docker image

When Gamma CLI is starting Gamma server, under the hood it's running

docker run -d --name orbs-gamma-server orbsnetwork/gamma

When Gamma CLI stops Gamma server, under the hood it's running

docker stop orbs-gamma-server
docker rm -f orbs-gamma-server

You can check if a docker container is currently running with

docker ps

And if it is, you can examine the logs of the container with

docker logs -f orbs-gamma-server

Last updated